鼓勵歌曲《keep walking》~~歡樂.樂團FUN.《Carry On/加把勁》





歡樂.樂團 / 那些夜晚    Fun. / Some Nights(立即前往博客來,請點)



◎由Kanye West、Jay-Z、Beyonce等天王天后的御用製作人Jeff Bhasker全權操盤,激爆出無限精彩的音樂火花!
◎收錄稱霸告示牌熱門單曲榜+數位單曲榜+iTunes單曲榜3榜冠軍曲「We Are Young」!


終於,被嘻哈黑潮、電音舞曲侵襲許久的美國告示牌流行榜,再次出現了搖滾樂團攻頂的欣喜紀錄!隨著「We Are Young」拿下告示牌熱門單曲榜冠軍,不僅讓FUN.成為該榜繼Nickelback(「How You Remind Me」)之後,10年來唯一憑藉首支入榜單曲就拿下冠軍的搖滾樂團,也是繼2008年Coldplay的「Viva La Vida」奪冠後,睽違近4年時間,首支登頂成功的搖滾隊伍!「We Are Young」也成為芝加哥流行龐克賣座團Fall Out Boy貝斯手Pete Wentz自創Fueled By Ramen品牌16年來,所拱出的第一支稱霸全美NO.1作品!
就是要徹底 玩翻搖滾,供給人耳目一新的感受,替獨立搖滾派系增添鮮亮色彩與精彩音源的FUN.,現為三人型態組織,包括:負責吉他/小號的Jack Antonoff、把玩鋼琴/吉他/貝斯/鍵盤/鼓/小號/鐘琴/打擊樂器的Andrew Dost、主唱Nate Ruess。各團員們皆有豐富組團歷練,2009年順利於獨立廠牌旗下發行首張專輯“Aim And Ignite”,不僅獲得AbsolutePunk.net網站《2009年最經典流行專輯》高評推薦,入選Sputnikmusic的《2009年50 張頂尖專輯》名單,更寫下告示牌搖滾榜Top23+數位榜NO.24+流行榜第71名的商業好成績!
正式進軍國際的大碟“Some Nights”,請到於嘻哈饒舌界服務許久,同時受到Kanye West、Jay-Z、Beyonce等天王天后邀約製作的Jeff Bhasker全權操盤,更是Jeff第一次與搖滾樂團合作,彼此激爆出無限精彩的音樂火花,不負眾望的空降告示牌搖滾專輯榜+另類專輯榜+iTunes 另類專輯榜3榜冠軍,並登上Billboard綜合專輯榜季軍以及數位專輯榜亞軍!已快速獲頒雙白金認證的主打「We Are Young」,點燃這波持續延燒的復古風潮,請到三座葛萊美入圍肯定、吹牛老爹和OutKast全力護航之新靈魂才氣歌姬Janelle Monae輕柔伴唱。此曲不僅被高收視率電視影集【歡樂合唱團Glee】重新翻玩而受矚目,更成為雪佛蘭汽車的廣告曲在超級盃足球賽事期間強力推送,因而 創造出爆增的下載量與破表的電台點歌率,將「We Are Young」送上第一名位置,稱霸告示牌熱門單曲榜+數位單曲榜+iTunes單曲榜3榜冠軍;趁勝追擊的進榜同名曲「Some Nights」,先以開場的「Intro」揭起序幕,如同Queen式的輕歌劇呈現,挾帶女聲花腔唱和,就格外吸焦。接著,又以瀰漫福音式合音當前引,隨 後注入振奮人心的節拍,配合著活力十足的打擊樂推送、時而說唱的演繹、嘻哈的律動、Auto-Tune的效果巧妙運用,勢必能引起排行騷動;吉他和鋼琴互 鳴勾勒的「Carry On」出場,譜入蘇格蘭風琴點綴,以及順暢依舊的旋律來回穿繞;強烈Hip-Hop節奏融化在搖滾領域裡頭的「All Alone」,散盡絕對誘人的起舞頻率,令人愛不釋手!一組2012年不能錯過的優質搖滾新貴!



Well I woke up to the sound of silence
the cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight
and I found you with a bottle of wine
your head in the curtains
and heart like the fourth of July

You swore and said
We are not
We are not shining stars
This I know
Cause I never said we are

Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows
to know you can never look back

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on

So I met up with some friends
at the edge of the night
At a bar off 75
And we talked and talked
about how our parents will die
All our neighbours and wives

But I like to think
I can cheat it all
To make up for the times I've been cheated on

And it's nice to know
When I was left for dead
I was found and now I don't roam these streets
I am not the ghost you want of me

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

My head is on fire
But my legs are fine
Cause after all they are mine
Lay your clothes down on the floor
Close the door
Hold the phone
Show me how
No one’s ever gonna stop us now

Cause we are
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we’re miles away
So we’ll come
We will find our way home

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on




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